Columbia Analytical Instruments, Inc.
Our Competition Can't Keep Up With Our PACE!

SmartBlock 125i and SmartBlock 125c

Use the configuration you prefer!

SmartBlock 125c uses standard 50ml centrifuge tubes.

SmartBlock 125i uses dedicated digestion vessels.

Ask about custom 32 position mini block.

SmartBlock 226.60 and SmartBlock 226.120

Our SmartBlock 226 is a unique product designed for high production laboratories.

Digest 120 COD or Total Phosphorous tubes at once with <1.0C precision!

No more multiple block NIST thermometer quarterly calibration. Just do it once with our giant SmartBlock 226.120

Also, for smaller applications, use our SmartBlock 226.60 with 60 digestion positions.

Special Features:


Special Features:


 Catalog Number





 64 position SmartBlock for digestion vessels



 64 position SmartBlock for 50ml centrifuge tubes

To Order:

803 732 5118

Catalog Number  Quantity  Description
 SB226.120  1  120 position SmartBlock for COD digestions
 SB226.60  1  60 position SmartBlock for COD digestions